Cockburn John Charles Academy's curriculum intent is to meet the needs of everyone.
This page presents comprehensive information about our curriculum including:
If you would like more information about the Cockburn John Charles Academy Curriculum please email and mark your email ‘For the attention of Mr A Russell (Assistant Headteacher)’.
Our curriculum provides students with exciting learning experiences that are designed to fit the needs of all. The curriculum is broad and balanced giving students a wide range of subjects to study in depth to ensure they are in a strong position to make informed choices for the next stage of their education. Every subject has a destination plotted for students that is rich in the development of knowledge and skills and that leads towards the good qualifications needed to succeed in life.
At the end of Year 8, students choose from Guided Destinations blocks, where a mix of GCSEs and BTECs are on offer. In every case, decisions are ‘guided’ by the subject teachers and data is examined to ensure students are maximising their chances of getting the best possible grades, leading them onto appropriate Post 16 courses. There is a broad balance of traditional and vocational courses, including carefully chosen courses giving students a wide range of opportunities to gain qualifications.Where appropriate, those students who speak English as an additional language are entered for GCSE in their first language. This decision is based on how well students can speak, read and write in their first language.
The curriculum offer is reviewed on a yearly basis to ensure that we continue to provide a personalised curriculum that offers both breadth and academic rigour, whilst maximising opportunities for progression to post-16 education.
The timetable is a 30 unit week with each lesson 50 minutes long. There is a form period of 20 minutes at the beginning of each morning. Break (20 mins) is between Units 2 and 3 and lunch (35 mins) is between Units 4 and 5. The school day starts at 8:30 am and finishes at 2:45 pm.
Click here to download the timetable allocations for 2023-24
Students are taught in progress groups which are set according to baseline data. This is the case for all subjects and year groups with the exception of Year 10 English, which are taught in mixed ability classes. There is flexibility in the system as students can be moved between progress groups if this is deemed appropriate following the outcomes from regular Key Assessment Points. Such organisation means that personalised learning is more effective and intervention is more efficient.
Subject Areas - click here to view detailed curriculum overviews for each subject (2023-24)
Alternatively, click the buttons below for detail of the curriculum studied in each subject area.
Careers education is delivered through the PSHCE curriculum. In Year 10 and Year 11, all students have the opportunity for an individual careers interview with our careers team. A well-resourced careers library is maintained and a careers adviser is available to help students make the right choices.
For more information about Careers Education click here to go to our Careers page.
We are fully committed to improving our students’ Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) mindfulness and we work tirelessly to develop the Fundamental British Values (FBV) within all areas of Cockburn School life.
Our students understand the five key values of democracy, rule of law, mutual respect, individual liberty and tolerance, the curriculum as well as enrichment activities support this. Student planners detail all five areas and they are covered at length within the PSHCE/RE curriculum.
Subject teachers all have a role to play in modelling and promoting both SMSC and FBV every day, they do this in a variety of ways. The majority of work is completed within an extensive PSHCE/Citizenship and Religious Education curriculum but all areas of the school support the strands.
For more information about SMSC and Fundamental British Values click here to go to our SMSC &FBV page.
Dance (BTEC Tech Award in Performing Arts)
Drama (WJEC L1/L2 Award in Performing Arts )
Design and Technology (Edexcel/Pearson GCSE)
English Language (EDUCAS GCSE)
English Literature (EDUQAS GCSE English Literature)
History (Edexcel/Pearson GCSE)
Maths Higher (Edexcel/Pearson GCSE)
Music (BTEC Tech Award in Music Practice)